Sunday, January 27, 2013

What A Day

Hello Readers:

Today I would like to emphasize the importance of volunteering & describe my HORRIBLE DAY!

Initially when I talk to the students I mentor about volunteering and its importance, I start off by saying the very inspiring quote :

"Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare."         
         ~Japanese Proverb~

What does this mean?

It is basically saying that if you have a vision of something you want to do, it will stay a daydream if you don't take action; however, if you take action without having a clear vision of what you want to do, there will be a disaster movie ending.

Then I segue into telling them about the many benefits of volunteering such as:
  • Learn or develop a new skill 
  • Be part of your community
  • Motivation and sense of achievement
  • Boost your career options
  • New interests and hobbies
  • New experiences
  • Meeting a diverse range of people
Many of the kids I mentor are in need of a boost of confidence and/or they want to succeed but don't know how to; therefore, volunteering became a huge part of their life! Particularly one of my "mentorees"... he knows he can do it, but he hasn't figured out how to. Volunteering gave him a sense of purpose and I saw immediate differences in his attitude!

These kids inspire me to believe in myself!

Now readers, my horrible day.

Girl drama, basically two words that sum it up! Medusa (that is what we will call her for now) is always getting into things. Whether it is drugs or other people's business, she is in it! Well you know from my previous post I was sick and away from school; however, the next day i find out she had been talking about me in a negative way WHILE I was sick and in urgent care,

I was talking to one of my good friends about the anti biotic I was on, Medusa came in with the ever so wonderful comment of:

"I am on Heroin? Whats the difference?"

My nostrils flared and I bit my tongue... I kindly told she needed to mind her own business and stop with all the crap she had been starting (referring to the talking about me). Medusa took it upon herself to threaten to go report me for saying I was going to beat her and such!!!

I confronted her about this situation and she had literally gone insane!!! (*note she has previous juvy records*) Medusa... well she punched a wall and made a big scene, SCREAMING at me when I never once raised my voice to her.

Tune in to find out what happens next... (Because tomorrow I go back to school)



  1. Part 1~ Volunteering is AWESOME and I LOVE that quote~ :3

    Part 2~ I hope she doesn't read your blog, because she could get worse if she found out! She seems really really bad, but I can't judge the situation from one side. I'm just like that. I have no doubt you are right though. It seems like you were angry when you wrote this...? I do that. I feel like I need to get out my fustartions so I write it down. I am usually angry at well.... my parents so I can't exactly rant about normal teenage drama in public (They'd see it = I'd die) :D Anyway! I hope all goes well. Talk to you on facebook and check my blog for the nomination in about 5 minutes!

  2. No she will NEVER read this partially because she doesn't read... And thanks!

    1. OMG I think I just spelt fustration "fustartions" up there. Lol! Get calm~ Talk to her rationally~ And above all pray for her~

